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Trax uses multiple services to support its Recognition & Analysis API. The API uses HTTP redirection to (re)direct API calls to the correct Trax Server. Using redirection allows Trax to publish one address for its Recognition & Analysis API server while having multiple servers processing requests.

Redirect Support

What do you need to do?

  • Your API client software will need to be able to accommodate redirect messages (specifically 307 - Temporary Redirect), most common API libraries and SDKs support request redirection

  • Allow your Client API process to communicate with the Trax API server through your firewall

  • Add these Trax API URLs to your firewall URL whitelist

Why does Trax use the 307 and not the 302 status code?

The 307 Status code, preserves the method and body of the API request, some clients (browsers, etc.) were incorrectly changing the method to GET See this article for more details.

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