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Scenes Input

Route for sending a scene data to Trax

API endpoint for submitting Scene information as part of Visit Data

PUT /api/:version_number/:project_name/session/:session_uid/scenes/:scene_uid

curl -K -H "Authorization: Auth-Token YOUR_PROJECT-API-KEY" -X PUT

Supported Protocol: HTTPS


Request Headers

Authorization string

Value: 'Auth-Token {project auth token}'

Authentication token provided by Trax

Query Parameters

version_number string *

The current implemented API version. <Major> version (e.g. 'v4')


project_name string *

Project name as provided by Trax

session_uid string *

UUID generated by the client for the session.

The session UID will be generated at the beginning of the Session and will be used throughout the session

scene_uid string *

UUID generated by the client for the scene.

The scene UID will be generated at the beginning of the scene and will be used when sending Images of this scene

Request Details

Mandatory fields marked indicated by


client_session_uid string (100) 

Identifier provided by the client for the session. ​

This value is not checked for uniqueness by Trax, and can be used to map the session object in the Analysis Results

store_number string (100) *

Client's Store unique identifier, as provided in Stores

visit_date string (YYYY-MM-DD)*

The date of the visit by local time zone

task_code string *

Task code that has been configured in coordination with the Trax implementation team

area_id number

Identifier for the store area in Trax system. It has been configured in coordination with the Trax implementation team

email_address string (255)

The email of the user conduction the session. 

If this value is provided, it must correlate to an email address of a user as sent in Users (V4 or V5)

aisle_number string 

Aisle related information

images Object[] *

List of images containing the following values:

image_uid string (100)*

UUID generated by the client for the image

image_capture_time number (Epoch Unix Time timestamp) *

Unix Epoch Timestamp of the image capture time. The time should correspond to the capture time sent in Images

Request Body

Mandatory fields marked indicated by


Request Body Example


"client_session_uid": "My_session_uid",

"store_number": "100050000000008",

"visit_date": "2017-06-02",

"task_code": "123",

"area_id": 7,

"email_address": "",

"images": [



"image_capture_time": 1496834786




"image_capture_time": 1496834786




"image_capture_time": 1496834786




"image_capture_time": 1496834786




"image_capture_time": 1496834786




Validation and Errors

When uploading the Scene, the Trax system runs numerous validations on the file to confirm it has all the necessary fields.

Should there be issues with the upload, an error code and error will be returned. It will contain one the following errors based on failing the related validation:

Scene already received

  • Error Code: 409 - Conflict

  • Error: This request has already been handled

Mandatory Variables

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error:

Missing mandatory field - <field_name>
Missing mandatory fields - <field_name>,<field_name>...


Variable Types

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error:

missing mandatory field - <field_name>
missing mandatory fields - <field_name>,<field_name>...

Unknown Scene Type code/Id

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error: Unknown task id

Unknown Store

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error: Unknown Store <request_store_identifier_>

Lookup Value does not exist

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error: Lookup value does not exist: <lookup_value>

Incorrect Format

  • Error Code: 400 - Bad Request

  • Error:

Incorrect format field: <field_name>,
the correct format: <correct_format>

Internal Server Error

  • Error Code: 500 - Internal Sever Error

  • Error: Trax Internal Error

Incorrect or expired token

  • Error Code: 401 - Unauthorized 

  • Error: Incorrect or expired token

Requesting a forbidden resource 

  • Error Code: 403 - Forbidden

  • Error: A forbidden resource has been requested <resource>

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